The Netherlands' and Belgiums biggest filter suplier
Well priced filters in any shape and size
For companies big and small in any industry
Questions? Call without obligation supplies filters for every industry where a filter can be used. Some application examples are;
  • Pulp industry
  • Electronic industry
  • Textile industry
  • Aquaculture
  • Automotive industry
  • Mining
  • Chemical industry
  • Steelindustry
  Filters for the the industries mentioned above are used as surface filters, depth filters, membrane filters, automatic self cleaning filters or adsorption filters. For surface filtration a.filter supplies bag filters, baskets or mesh wire. Depth filtration takes place as pre- or final filtration. A.filter supplies wounded, pleated, spun, bonded or active carbon filters. The above mentioned filters are so called disposable filters. A.filter also supplies automatic self cleaning filters or filter units which are available in many different types and specifications. They can be used as water intake filters or to clean process water. also supplies a.filter adsorption filters, they can adsorb unsolved contaminations from water or to reach the minimum necessary pollution level approved.

Do you have a question?

Do you want advice about your specific situation?

Call us without obligation
+31 (0) 88 – 2345 888

Mail us (response within 2 business days)

Contact details

Afilter EU B.V.

Binnenwijzend 15 unit 4
NL-1617 KT Westwoud
The Netherlands

Tel +31 (0) 88 – 2345 888