The Netherlands' and Belgiums biggest filter suplier
Well priced filters in any shape and size
For companies big and small in any industry
Questions? Call without obligation supplies for decennia high quality vibratory machines for dry and wet production like cheese production, cacoa industry, pharmacie, seeds, grain, waste water, manure and other natural products.

The vibratory machines are produced under high quality lever in The Netherlands and Malasia and are available in 24, 30, 40, 48 60 and 7 inch. These vibratory machines are available with 1 screen up to 4 screen in one machines, so a possiblility of filtrering 5 different mathers in one machine. belongs besides sweco, russel, allgaier and amkco to the top of suppliers in the delivery and maintance and know how of these vibratory machines. We produce them up to high quality Dutch production levels with the advantage that all possible parts are available within a short amount of time. has it’s own maintenance department which is available 24/7. Because of our own production our spare parts are availbe from stock so long maintenance of break out is not neccessary. Besides that we also supply en deliver screen decks with new wire mesh with every possible mesh available.

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+31 (0) 88 – 2345 888

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Contact details

Afilter EU B.V.

Binnenwijzend 15 unit 4
NL-1617 KT Westwoud
The Netherlands

Tel +31 (0) 88 – 2345 888